Body Conditions

Refine your body's natural contours with our body condition treatments that target and treat areas needing special attention. From smoothing cellulite to firming loose skin, we offer state-of-the-art solutions to help you feel confident and comfortable in your body.

unwanted fat

Discover the path to a sleeker physique with our targeted fat reduction treatments that sculpt and contour your body.

Sagging & Loose Skin

Rejuvenate and tighten your skin with our advanced treatments that restore firmness and enhance skin texture.

Scars & Stretch Marks

Improve your skin's appearance with our specialized treatments designed to significantly reduce scars and stretch marks.


Additional body Conditions

Muscle Tone

regain your body's muscle tone

Enhance your natural definition and boost muscle tone with advanced body contouring solutions like EmSculpt NEO. Whether you're looking to refine your silhouette or improve muscle firmness, our treatments are designed to deliver visible, tangible results. Embrace a stronger, sculpted appearance with a little help from our cutting-edge technology and professional clinicians.

Diastasis Recti

tighten & tone your midsection

Regain your core strength and restore your abdominal contour with our targeted treatments for diastasis recti. Utilizing the latest non-surgical techniques, we can help tighten and tone your midsection, improving posture and core stability. Our personalized approach ensures a treatment plan that’s as unique as your recovery journey, leading to results that truly transform.

COMMON Questions

  • What body contouring options do you offer for unwanted fat?

    At Icon Aesthetics, we provide a range of body contouring solutions to target unwanted fat, including advanced sculpting techniques tailored to your body’s needs for a smoother, more toned appearance.

  • Can diastasis recti be improved without surgery?

    Yes, we specialize in non-surgical approaches to treat diastasis recti, using therapies that focus on strengthening the core and tightening the abdominal muscles to improve the condition effectively.

  • How do treatments for scars and stretch marks work?

    Our treatments for scars and stretch marks use innovative technologies to stimulate the skin's natural healing process, which can reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks and improve skin texture and elasticity.

  • What can I expect from a muscle tone enhancement treatment?

    Muscle tone enhancement treatments at our clinic are designed to stimulate muscle fibers, enhancing definition and firmness. Clients can expect a series of sessions for optimal results, with each session building on the last to achieve a toned and defined physique.


WHY CHOOSE Icon Aesthetics

At Icon Aesthetics, our team delivers personalized treatments in a professional setting, using advanced techniques and quality materials to ensure your satisfaction with the desired results. Choosing Icon Aesthetics means entrusting your beauty needs to a reputable clinic where excellence in care and client satisfaction are our top priorities.

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